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    Benefits of dent removal without painting

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      pdr technology and dent removal tools

      minilifter for pulling out dents without painting

      Blending is a technique used in a deposition system, in which a dent is lifted by depositing irregularities from the outside. This method allows the surface to be restored, removing the dents without damaging the paintwork and restoring the vehicle's the original appearance of the vehicle.

      Hook System
      Hook System

      The hook system is a deposition method in which the straightening of a dent is achieved by applying pressure to the defect on the inside of the part, where the dent is is extruded, restoring the original shape and appearance.

      Adhesive system
      Adhesive system

      The adhesive system is one of the simplest methods for dent repair. This system includes various components such as glue, a glue adapter, a minilifter, a back hammer and other auxiliary tools. This method of dent straightening is based on the impact on the part from the outside, using dent pasting. One of the most utilized tools in this system is cold glue, which is widely used by experienced craftsmen to successfully automotive restoration.

      Deposition System
      Deposition System

      The deposition system is used to remove bulges that can appear when extruding and pulling out dents. Cores, stammers and blending hammers are used extensively for this system, and the work is done from the outside to remove excess bulges.

      Surge System
      Surge System

      The overstressing system includes ironers and lifting pads. It is based on the iron striking on the tangential surface of the metal with a stop on the inside of the dent.


      Can paint break during a repair?

      Paint can break in rare cases during a repair, but a qualified technician will take steps to minimize this risk and will alert the customer if necessary.

      Is there any way to repair a dent on my own?

      It is possible to repair a dent on your own, but requires knowledge, skills and professional tools. It is recommended to contact a professional to save time and effort.

      Can a dent reappear after professional restoration?

      No, the possibility of a dent reappearing is completely eliminated if the repair is is done skillfully and carefully using a customized technique. Careful approach and quality materials guarantee that the dent will not return.

      Is it possible to perform the repair on an old car?

      The quality of dent repair depends on the condition of the coating and the age of the car. We do not perform this type of repair except in the case of retro cars.

      How long will it take to repair an uncoated dent?

      A simple repair usually takes anywhere from 15 minutes to a few hours, and in most cases, the vehicle is ready for delivery the same day the customer contacts us. Hail dents are repaired within 1-5 days.

      Do you repair dents of different types and shapes?

      The possibility of repairing a dent depends on its location and depth. For example, dents the diameter of a dinner plate can be repaired quickly if they are not bent and not too deep. curves and are not too deep. Small but deep dents can also be repaired.

      The most common are 'bunnies' - dents 4cm in diameter. We successfully repair about 95% of the damage, but the remaining 5% cannot be repaired because of the deep damage to the coating.


      In 1952, Oskar Flyg, who worked in the body shop at Mercedes-Benz, made an important contribution to the development of precision straightening, which was the starting point for the development of modern methods of for the development of modern auto body repair.

      This technique was first presented at the Genfer Autosalon in the USA and the IAA Frankfurt in Germany. Germany. Oskar Flyg, working in the evenings, repaired dents on Mercedes-Benz cars that caused by the activities of visitors during the show. This led to the surprise of manufacturers of other car brands, who found that dents caused by visitors' impact were not remained the next day.

      The essence of its technology lies in the ability of a qualified technician who has undergone specialized training and possessing the necessary tools, to restore the surfaces of body elements in just a few hours without the need for painting work. In the process of restoring defects using various forms of hooks, pressure is applied to the inner surface of the of the metal. In addition, a variety of techniques are used to tighten the metal on the outside.